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Printing Office, 1889), 8. 20. Thomas G. Paterson, J. Garry Clifford, ah J. Hagan,Ameri Fn Policy: A History (Lexington, Mass.: D. C. Heath, 1977), 189. 21. Theodore Roosevelt, Inaugural Address, March 4, 1905, inUates gressional Serial Set 484 (Washington, D.C.: Gover Printing Office, 1905), 559. 22. Theodore Roosevelt, Iional Peaobel lecture, May 5, 1910, inPeace: 1901ndash;1925: Nobel Lectures (Singapore: World Stific Publishing Co., 1999), 106. 23. Roosevelts statement to gress, 1902, quoted in John Morton Blum,The Republi Roosevelt (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Uy Press, 1967), 137. 24. Roosevelt t Rice, December 21, 1907, inThe Selected Letters of Theodore Roosevelt, ed. H. W. Brands (Lanham, Md.: Rowman Littlefield, 2001), 465. 25. Theodore Roosevelt, review ofThe Influence of Sea Power upon History, by Alfred Thayer Mahan,Atlantithly, October 1890. 26. Theodore Roosevelt, The Strenuous Life, irenuous Life: Essays and Addresses (New York: tury, 1905), 9. 27. 当德国和英国战舰1902年向长期负债累累的委内瑞拉行进,准备强制收回一笔早就逾期的贷款时,罗斯福要求两国保证不得以追债方式寻求领土和政治扩张。但德国代表只承诺放弃永久性占有领土(留下了建立期限99年的租界的可能,如英国在埃及以及英国、德国在中国所做的那样),罗斯福于是威胁发动战争。他随即派一支美国舰队挥师南下,并把委内瑞拉海港的地图发放给媒体。这一策略奏效了。罗斯福保持沉默,好让威廉皇帝保全面子,退出这场危机。这个时候,德意志帝国在委内瑞拉的野心遭到了决定性重创。See Edmund Morris, Theodore Rex (New York: Random House, 2001), 176ndash;82. 28. Theodore Roosevelts Annual Message to gress for 1904, HR 58AK2, Records of the U.S. House of Representatives, RG 233, ter fislative Archives, National Archives. 29