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9. John OSullivan, Aion,Uates Magazine and Democratic Review,Julyndash;August 1845, 5. 10. John Quincy Adams, An Address Delivered at the Request of the ittee of Citizens of Washington, 4 July 1821 (Washington, D.C.: Davis and Force, 1821), 28ndash;29. 11. Ibid. 12. 从东往西迁移从理论上讲,是指世界统治权的转移,即最高政治权力宝座的时空变化:从巴比伦和波斯到希腊,到罗马,到法国或德国,再到英国和(摩尔斯设想的)美国。乔治middot;伯克莱(Gee Berkeley)在关于美洲艺术和学识前景的诗歌中就有如下著名的诗句: 帝国走向西行之路;前四节已经落幕,第五节是大戏的终点,最后往往是关键一步。13. Jedidiah Morse,The Ameri Geography; or, A View of the Present Situation of the Uates of Amerid ed. (London: John Stockdale, 1792), 468ndash;69, as excerpted inMa Destiny and Ameri Territorial Expansion: A Brief History with Dots, ed. Amy S. Greenberg (Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 2012), 14. John OSullivan, The Great Nation of Futurity,Uates Magazine and Democratic Review, November 1839, 426ndash;27. 15. OSullivan, Aion, 9ndash;10. 16. See Amanda Foreman,A World on Fire: Britains Crucial Role in the Ameri Civil War(New York:Random House, 2011); Howard Jones,Blue and Gray Diplomacy: A History of Union and federate Fions (Chapel Hill: Uy of North Carolina Press, 2009). 17. Foreman, World on Fire, 784. 美国武装部队人员从南北战争结束时的1 034 064人下降到 18个月后的正规军 54 302人、志愿军11 000人。 18. Fareed Zakaria,From Wealth to Power: The Unusual ins of Americas World Role (Prion, N.J.: Prion Uy Press, 1998), 47. 19. Grover Cleveland, First Inaugural Address, March 4, 1885, inThe Public Papers of Grover Cleveland (Washington, D.C.: Gover